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The clinic offers the option of choosing treatment with Dentosophie upon request of the patient and/or his/her family.

Given the great demand for Dentosophie received by parents in recent years, I outline here my thoughts about it and above all the guidelines I apply for this type of treatment.

Dentosophie is an alternative approach to common orthodontic therapies and the ideal balance of mouth rebalancing is related to the rest of the body. Indeed, orthodontics re-introduces many well-known interventions, such as the myopic approach to muscle rehabilitation.  Montaud, founder of Dentosophie, defines Dentosophie as "a therapy characterized by a humanistic approach to dental art, based on known functional techniques, which highlights the link between the balance of the mouth and the balance of the human being" and clearly framed it in a broader view of functional approaches to the rehabilitation of oral functions.i.

It seems possible to propose Dentosophie without it necessarily being antithesis with the traditional orthodontic approach, thus limiting those that may be the risks of Dentosophie itself. In particular, since it is a practice where there is no scientific validation, it is necessary to guarantee to young patients, especially because of the fact that they are underage and growing patients, a rigorous diagnosis according to all traditional Orthodontics cannons and a quarterly monitoring by the on behalf of the Orthodontist.

The diagnosis allows a careful selection of the candidate patient for Dentosophie, and assures parents an identification of the cases that may be eligible for coverage under Basic Health Insurance or Invalidity Insurance, cases which are not always identifiable if no appropriate X-rays are performed.

Monitoring allows the patient to redirect the traditional orthodontic treatment if the denture treatment does not produce the desired effects, which can be due both to ineffectiveness of the treatment itself and due to the patient's incomplete collaboration.

It is fair to remember that young patients are growing and it is incorrect to argue that Dentosophie is free of risks and side effects, as ineffective treatments result in waste of "growth" time, which the patient cannot recover in the adult age.

Not doing the right thing is also harmful, fperhaps one of the most insidious. Likewise, I also find it helpful to provide Dentosophie treatments by virtue of the common heritage that they have with the principles of functional Orthodontics, the human and personal relationship that the operator can establish with the patients and the positive awareness of mouth problems that the patient acquires during these treatments.

Dentosophie achieves great success in dysfunctional orthodontic cases, that is, in those cases where improving the alignment and closing of the teeth it is indicated to isolate the arches themselves from the muscles or stimulate the muscles in a certain direction. It is the case of open bites from atypical swallowing, second classes (upper overstretch over the lower one) from trapping of the lower lip or oral behavioral breathing (namely not supported by anatomic limits such as severe adenoide hypertrophy or turbid hypertrophy). These are all the cases in which moving away, reeducating the muscle and guiding the occlusion improves malocclusion.

In this context, the psychosomatic aspect is very relevant. The patient, if well motivated, is capable of guiding healing for the simple reason that, just because they are motivated, learns what the labile seal is, learns how to close the mouth and what is at first only learned then becomes a regular habit. It's normal for everyone to think that you can learn to dive head first, as long as it's natural to do so. Why is it so strange to think that you learn, for example, how to swallow properly, which is so much simpler than diving head first?
On the contrary, some malocclusions have little to do with muscular matters, and are exquisitely anatomical and genetically determined. Sometimes they are linked to muscle hyperactivity of very healthy and particularly efficient muscles. This is the case of deep bites in brachyfacial subjects (square face, jaw at Beautiful Ridge). Cases that are difficult to treat with Dentosophia are also crowded over 7 mm at the lower teeth, microdontia (small and spaced teeth), second deep bite classes, canine inclusions, agenesis (lack of one or more teeth), third classes from severe hypermandibles.


The parameters proposed by Dentosophie for an ideal occlusion are identical to those of common orthodontics, poor overbite and overjet, poorly bound canine guides, freedom of lateral mandibular movement.

The goal of such an occlusion is fully sharable and shared by the orthodontist.

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